Jumat, 29 Juni 2012


In the management guiler management functions closely related in it.
Generally there are four ( 4 ) management functions of being much known society namely function ( planning ), planning function organizing ( organizing ) function directive ( directing ) and control function ( controlling ).
To function organizing staffing ( there is also a function of staff ).
Managers in business organization expected to dominate all the functions management is there to get the maximum management.

Below will be explained the meaning or sense definition management :
1.      Function planning / planning
Function planning is an activity make corporate purposes and followed by making various plans to achieve objectives specified.
2.      Function organizing / organizing
Function perngorganisasian is an activity setting on human resources and other physical resources owned company to execute the plan set and achieving goals company.
3.      Directing / directive / leading function
Function directive is a function leadership manager to increase effectiveness and efficiency work maximally and creating a healthy work environment dynamic, and others.
4.      Controling / control function
Control function is a evaluate performance of activity based on standards has been made for later made change or improvement if necessary.

my opinion about this article
Management functions necessary a very perusaahan in achieving its goal, an organization a planning, organizing, directive, restraint, pengontrolan, can help to accomplish a purpose to keep the balance between conflicting objectives, to achieve effisiensi and effectiveness.

By mega Hariani 

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