Jumat, 29 Juni 2012


 Question Tag

When you spoke to the people you sometimes give a statement asking the person to disapprove of what you say / or to confirm.

E.g guiler in such phrases follows:

-    (It`s Wednesday,isn`t it? )
-    (You understand , don`t you ?)
-    ( Adinda come, don`t she?)
-    (Cindy can`t speak English ,can she?)
-    (There were three strangers here last night, weren`t there?

Said  right? laid statement, at the end of a sentence as in example sentences above called question tag.

Consider that the question tag would change according to the statement.
When question tag used?
Tag used question: 
- to ask.
Pronounced with intonation up.
You are Indri, aren`t you?
They don`t know anything, do they?
 to assert a statement / or asked approval toanybody you talk to.
Pronounced with intonation decline because basically not sentence ask.
Cyntia knows, doesn`t she?

Guidelines use.
If the statement is positif, then question tag his going.
It is a nice day, isn`t it?
(+)               ,   (-)
You understand ,  don`t you ?
(  + )         ,        (  -)

If, statement going then his question tag positive.

Cindy can`t speak English ,can she?
                       (  - )                         ,  (+ )

Shelly didn`t get lost, did she?
(-)                 , (+)

Tag, in question its own name / thisstuff / etc. to be converted into a pronoun he, pronoun she, it, they, we, i, you, there.
So just words that is worn in tags. 

Ismi and Yuda will get married, won`t they?
Desy had lunch in the cafeteria,didn`t she?

Do  ? does  ?
Don' t  ?
Doesn' t  ?
Use if verb in the clause in the first statement simple present
Mrs. Ida explains the lesson well, doesn`t she?
Mrs. Ida doesn`t explain the lesson well, does she?

Established  ? didn' t. ?
First used if verb in the clause past statements, in simple form
You came there, didn’t you?
They didn`t know the answer, did they?

If in a statement, never used the words of a sentence seldom get, rarely, hardly ever, no, no one, few, little, then tag shaped positive.
You hardly ever call her, do you?
She never gets up before five, does she?
They`ve got no money, have they?

If everyone, subjectnya statement sentence everybody, everything, no one, nobody, anybody, anyone, then they tag use.


Everything is all right, aren`t they?
Everybody comes, don`t they?

Sentence orders requiring tag will you

Keep silent, will you?
Please, don`t swim here, will you?
Speak slowly, will you?

Sentence statement  i am . question its tag  aren' t i?
I am your mom, aren`t I?

by mega hariani

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